OK, yesterday I vented, today I'm giving cheers. By the way, I got a package mailed express to the grand babies, so I feel better. Anyway... we stopped at a Joann's on the way home from FL since we didn't get to make it to the superstore in Tampa and I had a 50% off coupon burning a hole in my pocket. I picked up some fabric for doll clothes (finding a small enough pattern in fabric is not always easy) but the cheers for the day go to my new gadget. I have picked the box up and looked at it a dozen times in the past, always the tightwad, I hated spending the money to encourage my own laziness. Well, 50% off and stressed about time, how could I resist! I bought the sidewinder bobbin winder! While the cost is about 10 less at Walmart, the 50% coupon made it a better deal at Joann's. This handy dandy little gadget winds bobbins OFF of the sewing machine. Now, now, it is not all about being too lazy to take the empty bobbin out, wind it, re thread it, yadda yadda, but I have to tell you, I hate it! I sew alot of assembly line style and running out of bobbin thread and having to rewind and then re thread the machine really cuts into my productivity. This puppy rocks!
Another cheers... today I was sewing a drawstring bag to hold Ayla's puppets and since I was using some left over cotton fabric, I wanted it lined. Not a big thing, I make lined bags all the time, but I had run across a tutorial online and thought the easy peasy way was worth a try. Now granted, I had to tweak it to work the size bag I wanted and how to do that wasn't really clear, but I must have been close because the method rocks!You have to try the tutorial from
Happythings. I'm certainly going to make more!