A Change of Pace....a cuppa tea anyone?

In Florida, when we went out to dinner with my mom, I noticed she pulled her own teabag out of her pocket book. My mom carrying her teabags in a Ziploc bag just won't do so I made her this tea wallet for her to carry her stash in. Worked up quickly and was a great opportunity to try one out. I think I will do some for our November craft fair! I have some teacher/apple fabric and since I always sell out on items labeled "teacher" I figure these might be quick and inexpensive gifts for people to buy.


Jane said...

You know how to bring years to my eyes!! What a great idea!

Jane said...

oooops - that was a Freudian mistake for sure! The word is TEARS

Mom2fur said...

Tooo adorable!

Tabetha said...

brilliant!! You are going to make BANK at your craft fair!